Best Tips to Follow In Writing Philosophy Coursework

Writing a coursework assignment or a paper all requires to go in a research and for that the best academic sources are research papers, review papers, books and periodical articles. There is a perception that only type of academic writing that a philosophy student needs to learn is writing an argumentative essay. No doubt writing an argumentative essay is a common consideration by the course advisors to assess the writing ability of their students because they consider argumentative essay as more significant writing pattern than other. This article is aimed to break down these myths by introducing different types of essay and other practical forms of writing those are also essential part of philosophy under graduate students. So the main purpose of this article is to encourage you to write your assignment in more creative writing and patterns.
The tips given in this piece of writing are about two main elements of writing the first one structure and other is content. Mixture of these two results in piece of a writing that can be a master piece if the amount of required ingredients is optimum.


Before going to write your coursework you need to plan what would you write, how would you write, these two main consideration lies under the element of structure of writing. So first start writing a draft that can be converted into a final document after some editing. Structure of a philosophy coursework includes;

· Introduction of the topic: Here, you have to introduce the topic that your advisor has asked to write on or you have chosen by yourself to write a coursework. Introduction of an essay not just includes the briefing of assignment topic but also about the whole piece of writing like what would be discuss in all writing. Describing the sequence of content list is a part of introduction in a philosophy coursework.

· Body of Writing: that contains the main points those student has discussed and explore in light of his/her argument with reference to strong evidence. This is the part of writing where you can put your arguments in form of paragraphs and at the end of each paragraph summaries the point that you have discussed in the respective lines.

· Conclusion or Conclusive Statement:This is as important as other two parts of writing are even there are some readers who focus on the conclusive statement as it helps to understand the whole essay in a few sentences.


Here content means the every single word you have written in your coursework to discuss and describe your point in light of research. In coursework of philosophy the main point of content is ‘argument’ that means a formal persuasion that point outs the all relevant points to defend the main topic of discussion. There is kind of no scope in philosophy for not non-rational forms of persuasion. Some professionals of philosophy even states that a term should always be define that is meant to be discussed in your further writing.

So these two are main things to keep in mind as a tip or guideline where further ingredients make the recipe complete.

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