Association Between Thinking and Creativity in Your Dissertation

What is thinking?

Thinking is the process of producing new thoughts. As we know that thought is a fundamental human activity and almost everyone is familiar with it. Most of the students try to get the answers of the following questions;
Related image
a) What is thought?

b) How to create the thought?

As we have discussed earlier that thought is a fundamental human activity and it is created by seeing the different things and happening in the world. The thoughts are related to the needs, objectives and desires of the human.

What is creativity?

Creativity means to turn the new and innovative ideas into the reality. Creativity is the way to find hidden patterns of the world. If you want to get success in the future, then creativity is the most crucial factor in this regard. If you want to be innovative and creative, then you should do the following things;

a) Associating

b) Questioning

c) Observing

d) Networking

e) Experimenting

These are the key factors if you want to become an innovative and creative. Some additional resources of creativity are opportunities, encouragement, motivation and practice. In short, creativity is a process of bringing something new in your mind.

What is the association between thinking and creativity in your dissertation?

No doubt, thinking and creativity both are the most important factors when you are going to write a dissertation. When we are going to write a dissertation, then it is necessary for us to write a plagiarism free dissertation. In other words, your dissertation will be written with the help of original and unique ideas. You can’t copy other people’ work, ideas or content in your dissertation. It is possible only if we are a good thinker and we have the ability to create new thoughts in our minds.

In this way, if we want to write a plagiarism free dissertation, then thinking and creativity are the most important things. First of all, we will need to collect the data from the different sources. After collecting the data, it is also necessary for us to understand it. In this way, we will be able to think how these things are presented in the other literature and how we can write these things in our own dissertation. In short, thinking will provide us a path to generate the new ideas and concepts for our dissertation.

After generating the new ideas and concepts, it is also necessary for us to create original and unique content for our dissertation. In this regard, if we are creative, then it will be easy for us to generate new and unique ideas for our dissertation. This discussion shows us that when we are going to write a dissertation, then creativity and thinking are the key things. In other words, we can say that without the thinking and creativity, we will not be able to write the dissertation. In this way, if we want to write our dissertation in an effective way, then we should try to practice for generating the new and unique ideas.

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